A New Look!


You might have noticed that my website is sporting a new look…and several new names. I haven’t really made a secret of the fact that I write in three different genres under three different pennames, but I haven’t really promoted it, either.

That all changes now.

Not only was I getting verrrrrry tired of updating three different websites all the time, but explanations about what I write (and who I write it as) were starting to get rather tangled. So here’s the quick and easy answer:

TAMARA MORGAN writes fast-paced action romance.

TAMARA BERRY writes cozy mysteries.

LUCY GILMORE writes puppy rom-coms.

Easy, right? Sort of. I still have separate Facebook pages, email addresses, and Twitter accounts (but not a separate Instagram), so you might be wondering how to find the right one. Don’t fret! They’re all me, and I check them all with equal frequency. No matter how you reach out, I’ll find you.



Update from Tamara Berry